Before we get into the story of how Phoenix Police Officer Jim Forsberg ripped me off for $100 I will tell you about some of the best information I ever learned that Jim Forsberg did give me.
I met Jim Forsberg when I worked at Sperry Flight Systems and Honeywell Flight Systems. Jim Forsberg was a computer programmer I worked with. Prior to when I worked at Sperry Jim Forsberg was a Reserve Phoenix Police Officer. He worked for the Phoenix Police for free. After working at Sperry he would put on a Phoenix Police uniform, go to the Union Hills Police Station get a Phoenix Police car and drive around all night looking for people to arrest. To be a reserve cop Jim Forsberg had to go to the Police Academy and get all the training real cops get so I suspect that Jim knew his stuff at least as well as most cops. Prior to meeting Jim I lived in a mythical world that most Americans live in and I though that the police could stop you anytime they wanted to. That the police could question you anytime they wanted to. That the police could demand your ID anytime they wanted to. And that you pretty much had to do anything the police told you to do or that you would be in real deep do do. Officer Forsberg as Jim like to call himself taught me that all that was WRONG! I had been brainwashed by the government schools I went to. Before we get into the stuff let me say there is not dictionary definition of all this stuff. You ask 20 cops, judges, prosecutors, or defense lawyers what the rules are and you will get 19 different answers. The courts can and do debate about this stuff. It is not cast in stone. And last over the years court decisions change the rules dramatically. But I am going to give you the nutshell view, which will be more or less correct, and will apply over time. The most important rule is that the police can not stop you when you are driving a car unless they have either “probable cause” or “reasonable suspicion”. We will get into the definition of those terms in a second. When you’re on foot the police can ASK you to stop for any damn reason they want to. But when you’re on foot you can always REFUSE to stop and talk to the police. If you refuse to stop and talk to the police when your on foot the police can only forcibly stop and detain you if they have “probable cause” or “reasonable suspicion”. Police will routinely lie and tell you that they can stop anybody they want for any reason they want but this is nothing but a lie. The courts have ruled over and over the police can only stop people in cars when they have either “probable cause” or “reasonable suspicion”. And the courts have ruled over and over that the police can only stop and forcibly detain people on foot when they have “probable cause” or “reasonable suspicion”.
“probable cause” and “reasonable suspicion”So what is “probable cause” and “reasonable suspicion”? As one lawyer I talked to about this said “there is no nutshell definition I can give you”. Judges, prosecutors, and defense attorneys can argue for hours about the little nitty gritty details of the terms and not agree on it. And over the years court decisions change the nitty gritty details of the terms. But I will give you a ball park definition, which Jim Forsberg gave me, and which attorneys I have talked to agree with as a good “ball park” definition.“Probable cause”“Probable cause” means the police have evidence that you committed a crime. A cop may have seen you run a red light. The cop may have seen you speeding. Or the cop may have seen a bag of marijuana sitting in the open of the front seat of your car or sitting on your living room table thru an open window in your living room. All of those cases I mentioned give a cop “probable cause” to stop and detain or arrest you.“Probable cause” can be passed to the cop by another person or police officer. If store clerk told a police officer that you robbed him, which would give the police officer “probable cause” to detain or arrest you. What isn’t “probable cause”? There has to be a crime and some type of evidence linking you to the crime for their to be “probable cause”. A police officer can not stop and arrest people with long hair because people with long hair are know to use drugs. A racist cop who thinks all black people are criminals can not just stop black people to see if they committed a crime. A cop can’t hang out side of a bar and stop people who drive off with the assumption they might be drunk. “reasonable suspicion”With “reasonable suspicion” you don’t have evidence that a person committed a crime. Instead you have a suspect who matches the description of a person who committed a crime. But the police officer doesn’t know if the person who committed the crime.This gives the police officer “reasonable suspicion” to stop the person and determine if the person is the person who committed the crime. What is “reasonable suspicion”? Say a white person, wearing a red suit, robbed a Circle K and drove away in a red Volkswagen bus. If you were a white person, wearing a red suit, and driving a red Volkswagen bus and you were in the area where the crime occurred, shortly after the crime occurred a police officer would have “reasonable suspicion” to pull you over and determine if you were the criminal. If you met all of the above criteria but were a hundred miles from the store that was robbed the cop would not have “reasonable suspicion” to stop you. If you met all of the above criteria but it was 8 hours after the store that was robbed the cop would not have “reasonable suspicion” to stop you. What if you were 10 miles from the store and it was an hour after the crime happened. Would the cop have “reasonable suspicion” to stop you? Maybe. As I said before “reasonable suspicion” has a fuzzy definition and the meaning varies from court to court, lawyer to lawyer and judge to judge. Jim Forsberg Doesn’t pay back loansWhen I first started working at Sperry Flight systems I noticed that Jim Forsberg or Officer Forsberg as he like to call himself likes to borrow your money all the time and he doesn’t pay it back.Because of that I stopped landing him money. I told him no more loans till you pay back the money you borrowed. Because of that Jim paid me back the small amount of money he borrowed from me. And he knows where ever he needs a dollar for the coke machine and he can’t find someone else to borrow it from he can borrow it from me. But he will have to pay it back. Ken Huff a guy in our group wasn’t so nice with Jim. From the office rumors Jim has borrowed over a $100 from Ken Huff and not paid any of it back. Another guy we worked with Don Smith who came down from Utah to work at Honeywell also loaned Jim Forsberg money and never had it paid back. Don is a contractor like me but he viewed it as part of the job. If he gives Jim money, then Jim will put in a good word for Don Smith and keep Mr. Smith employed at Honeywell. I wasn’t that nice. With me its Jim you deadbeat pay me back or you don’t get any loans. Jim Forsberg defrauds us of business loansJim Forsberg is one of those guys who never has enough money. He is always trying to borrow money from someone.One day Jim Forsberg came up with a scam which I bought and he later ripped me off on. Jim said that he could go out and buy cars, resell them and make lots of money doing it. Now hell I know that is doable! I did it in college and made lots of money. We would buy VW’s with blown engines, rebuild the engine and then sell the VW and we made decent money for college kids. I figured Jim Forsberg could do the same. So I lent Jim Forsberg $100 to buy a specific car. I put him on a short lease because I wanted my money back and I hoped for the best! Jim bought the car, resold it and actually made a profit. Damn good work Jim for a dead beat you did a pretty good job. But Jim was a crook. Jim never paid me back the $100 I loaned him. The deadbeat stole my money. Nor did I get a cut of the profit from Jim either. A figured I was the only one that Jim ripped off on this little scheme. But it appears ex-Phoenix Police Officer Jim Forsberg has ripped off a number of Honeywell employees with this crooked scheme. Electrical engineer and computer programmer Chuck Howey from Honeywell main programming group told me he loaned Jim Forsberg around $1,000 and Jim Forsberg ripped him off the same way. He also said that Jim had ripped off other employees at Honeywell the same way. |